Airlie Beach

(3 June 2018)

We rolled into Airlie Beach late afternoon, not really sure what we were doing but confident we could find some sort of boat tour to the Whitsunday or something. First stop was the tour booking office that one of Nat’s friends had recommended and the overwhelming number of boat tour options (day trips/ party boats/ overnight trips/ 2 nights). There was something for everyone depending on your budget and preferences. There was even air, flight and balloon tours available.  In addition to water sports and trips to Hamilton Island (where the rich and famous holiday). My friend Katrina (from GOR Trip) had been this way before and recommended skydiving too.

I knew a packed or party boat would not suit me and a one day trip would feel too rushed. Seeing as this was an early birthday treat I liked the sound of an overnight trip with kayaking and snorkeling included. The weather was set to be perfect and we bagged the last minute deal on Summertime through Whitsundays Sailing Adventures. Once we paid we had to leg it down to their other office down the road to check in and we got our  Whitsunday Adventure bags and our brief for the next morning!!!

By this point the stress of picking a tour option and deciding whether to stay the night in Airlie or go back to the free rest area and then drive back in the morning was weighing down heavy and I was hungry.  Cue  2 $5 Domino’s Pizzas thanks to the lucky $10 I found in Eungella and that was us sorted.  Though sad to report that the Domino’s here is nothing on the UK one in my opinion.  I miss my uni days of buy one get one free large pizzas with the yummy garlic and herb dip 🙂 Though its not everyday you have “free pizza” with a stunning view.


After our pizza it was off to the free rest area for the night. (Budget travel I tell ya). This was a truck stop on the way into Airlie Beach and we found a quiet spot near the shop which would do.  We had to be up at the crack of dawn to get to Airlie, find a place to leave the car overnight and get to the Marina and head off on our sailing adventure!! I was still undecided about skydiving and figured it could be a cool way to celebrate my birthday.

Brace yourselves for a picture heavy post of my Whitsunday sailing adventure 🙂

Thanks for stopping by x



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